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Chillers / Circulators

Lauda E200 Circulator Heating with Lauda 019 Bath Lauda E219, works cracked heater housing but works fine










B.Braun Thermomix 1442D Heating Circulator Controller

Brinkmann Lauda RE206 Circulating Bath Refrigeration

Brinkmann Lauda RM6 Refrigerated Chiller Circulator with RMS Controller

Circulator, Immersion; Thermo Scientific Haake Model DC10 Haake DC10

Cole Palmer Polystat 12101-00 Refrigerated Circulator

Cole Palmer Polystat Heater Digital Circulator 12107-50

Cole Palmer Polystat Refrigerated Heater Circulator 12101-00

FTS MAXI COOL Chiller with Neslab Lauda, FTS MAXI COOL Chiller nwith Neslab Lauda

Haake D1 Heating Circulator Digital NO Bath

Haake DB Heating Circulator Digital NO Bath

Haake DC10 Haake DC-10 Heating Circulator Haake Heating Circulator for baths used

Haake DC3 Heating Circulator Haake DC-3 Heating Circulator SOLD

Haake F3-C Recirculating Heated Chiller Bath Haake F3C Refrigerated Circulator Haake F3-C Refrigerated Circulator

Haake K20 with DC3 Controller Refrigerated Circulator Haake K-20 with DC-3 Controller

Haake Kryostat N8-KT50W Thermo Haake Refrigerated Circulator Low Temperature Thermo Haake Cryostat N8-KT50W large capacity Refrigerated Kryostat used very nice down to -50 °C

Haake Refrigerated Chiller Circulator DC1 K15

Hart Scientific 7320 Compact Temperature Calibration Bath -20°C - 150°C Hart 7320 used very nice

Huber Ministat 230 Bath air-cooled with with Compatible Control used system

Huber Ministat CC Huber Heater Circulator -25 Celsius to +125 Celsius, Huber MINISTAT a real nice unit for calibrations and research used and very nice, works very fine CFC and HCFC FREE

HUBER P012 OLE UNICHILLER Huber™ Unichiller P012 OLE Minichiller 280 OLE USED LIKE NEW

HUBER P012 OLE UNICHILLER Huber™ Unichiller P012 OLE Minichiller 280 OLE USED LIKE NEW

HUBER P012 OLE UNICHILLER Huber™ Unichiller P012 OLE Minichiller 280 OLE USED LIKE NEW

HUBER P012 OLE UNICHILLER Huber™ Unichiller P012 OLE Minichiller 280 OLE USED LIKE NEW

HUBER P012 OLE UNICHILLER Huber™ Unichiller P012 OLE Minichiller 280 OLE USED LIKE NEW

Huber Unichiller Polystat CC1 Chiller Huber Polystat CC1 Chiller used

Huber UNISTAT 405 Chiller Huber UNISTAT 405 Refrigerated Ultralow Chiller Huber Circulator Chiller used

Huber Unitstat Tango Huber Tango HUBER UNISTAT Refrigerated Chiller

Julabo UC Circulator Heating Only Digital Readout

Julabo Chiller FE500 Cooling Circulator Julabo FE-500 Refrigerated Circulator Julabo FE500 Chiller Julabo FE-500 Chiller used nice tested working

Julabo F25-HE Refrigerated Circulator Julabo Model F25-HE Refrigerated Heating Circulator Julabo Refrigerated Circulator used with Working Temperature range OF -28 Celsius to 200 degree Celsius

Julabo F88 MW Julabo F88-MW Julabo ISL F88 Refrigerated Circulator with small bath and MW series controller, used

Julabo FP-50 Refrigerated Circulator Julabo FP50 Refrigerated Circulator

Julabo FP50-MC Julabo FP-50 with Julabo MC Controller Circulator, Julabo FP50-MC Julabo FP-50 with Julabo MC Controller Refrigerated Circulator

Julabo FP88 with HP Controller Julabo FP-88 HP Ultra-low Refrigerated Circulator

Julabo FP88 with HP Controller Julabo FP-88 HP Ultra-low Refrigerated Circulator

Julabo FT402 Immersion Cooler Julabo Immersion Cooler

Julabo FT901 IMMERSION COOLER JULABO FT-901 IMMERSION COOLER Julabo Immersion Cooler USED very nice

Julabo Refrigerated Circulator Heated

Julabo Refrigerated Circulator Julabo FP-50 Refrigerated Circulator with Julabo MW Controller Julabo FP50 Refrigerated Circulator used refurbished

Julabo SP Basis Microprocessor Controller Circulator Heater

Julabo U3/8 Julabo U3 Heating Circulator with no Clamp

Julabo UC Julabo UC Heating Circulator with no Clamp

Koehler K70200 Oxidation Stability Bath for RBOT /

Komatsu Yamato CTE-42A COOLNICS CIRCULATOR, Used and Nice - $790 USD

Lauda B Lauda B Circulator B Heat Only

Lauda Brinkmann Circulator Heating M20 MS Controller

Lauda Brinkmann Refrigerated Circulator RMS with RM20 Bath

Lauda C6-CP Lauda C6 CP Lauda C6CP Circulator Programmable High Temperature

Lauda Chiller Lauda WK230 Lauda WK500 Lauda WK1200 Lauda WK2200 Lauda WK3200 Lauda WK4600 Lauda WK7

Lauda E100 Circulator Heating

Lauda E100 Circulator Heating with Lauda 003 Bath Stainless Steel

Lauda E100 Circulator Heating with Lauda 019 Bath Lauda E119

Lauda E100 Circulator Heating woth 006T Clear Acrylic Bath

Lauda E-100 Lauda E100 Circulator E100 Heat Only

Lauda E-200 Lauda E200 Circulator E200 Heat Only

Lauda E-306 Lauda E300 Circulator Heating with Lauda 006 Bath Lauda, excellent like new condition, 230 Volt, 50/60 HTZ Ambient to 200 C 6 Liter Reservoir capacity Programmable for up to 10 time segments Powerful 2250 watt heater

Lauda E-312 Lauda E312 Lauda E300 Circulator Heating with Lauda 012 Bath Lauda, excellent like new condition, 230 Volt, 50/60 HTZ Ambient to 200 C 20 Liter Reservoir capacity Programmable for up to 10 time segments Powerful 2250 watt heater three systems

Lauda IC30 Lauda IC-30Immersion Cooler IC 30

Lauda KK7000 Recirculating Chiller LAUDA WK-7000 LAUDA CHILLER used nice

Lauda Model RE120 Lauda RE-120 Brinkmann Circulator Chiller

Lauda MT Immersion Circulator B

Lauda PROLINE RP870 Refrigerated Circulator used if new VWR 77888-274

Lauda RE106 Refrigerated Circulator Chiller with E100 Controller

Lauda RE120 Lauda RE-120 Brinkmann Circulator Chiller

Lauda RM6 with B Controller Circulator Chiller Lauda RM-6 Refrigerated Circulator

Lauda RP890C Lauda LCK 8898 available now used

Neslab CFT-150 Chiller

Neslab Coolflow CFT-150 Neslab CFT-150 Refrigerated Circulator Neslab Chiller

Neslab RTE 111 Neslab RTE-111 Chiller Refrigerated Circulator Microprocessor Control, Neslab RTE 111 Neslab RTE-111 Chiller Refrigerated Circulator Microprocessor Control

Neslab RTE-100 Refrigerated Circulator Neslab RTE-100 Chiller

Neslab RTE-140 MP RTE-140MP Refrigerated Circulator Chiller

Perkin Elemer Intercooler VLT-100 2P Cooling Unit Perkin Elmer VLT100 Intercooler 2P Cooling Unit used nice

Pharmacia Multitemp III Refrigerated Circulator

Polyscience 9501 VWR 1156 Refrigerated Circulator

POLYSCIENCE LS51MX1A110C LS-51 Compact Chiller Polyscience LS-51 Chiller used nice

test ag

Thermo / Haake C50 Refrigerated Water Bath with F8 Digital Controller

Thermo Forma 2067 Refrigerated Circulator

Thermo Merlin Neslab M150 Chiller Merlin M-150 Merlin M150 Recirculating Chiller

Thermo Neslab HX150 Thermo Neslab HX-150 Process Chiller Thermo Neslab HX +150W

Thermo Neslab Merlin M25 Thermo Merlin M-25 Neslab Merlin M25 Chiller Cole Palmer EW-13401-52

Thermo Neslab Merlin Series M33 Recirculating Chiller Merlin M33 Merlin M-33 Themo M33 Thermo M-33 used tested working nice

Thermo Neslab RTE 221 Thermo Neslab RTE-221 Refrigerated Circulators Microprocessor

Thermo Scientific Haake Model DC10 Haake DC 10

Van-Kel VK-6 Vankel VK6 Heating Circulator

Vankel VK-7 Vankel Type 001-5811 Heating Circulator

VWR 1122 Polyscience 1122 Heating Circulator

VWR 1135 Heater Circulator Small ships tested and working $ 290-USD

VWR 1140 Refrigerated Circulator

VWR 1147 Refrigerated Heated Circulating Water Bath ships used tested working warranted LOW PROFILE

VWR 1147P Refrigerated Circulator Polyscience 1147P Low Profile VWR Programmable Refrigerated Chiller used nice

VWR 1180-S VWR Heated/Refrigerated Circulating Water Bath VWR 1180S

VWR 1187P Refrigerated Circulator VWR 13271-130 Refrigerated Circulator used


1. EXPERIENCED-We have been building labs, equipping labs, and supplying lab equipment parts and service for over 20 years. With over 100 years of combined lab equipment experience at our site and working with many experienced technicians, we try to offer the right equipment at the right price for you, our partner.

2. SAVE MONEY- We sell, lease, and rent - You save money, 5-70% off original retail, so you get great equipment at a great price.

3. WARRANTY -We offer a warranty on our refurbished equipment and new manufacturer warranty on new equipment.

4. SERVICE- We offer instrument service, refurbishment validations, and calibrations at great rates and skill levels.

5. INSTRUMENT PARTS- We sell new instrument parts and new equipment parts and hard to find used older parts

6. UNIQUE- We are an independent dealer and also sell used instruments, such as AA, FTIR, GC, GC/MS, HPLC, LC/MS, ICP, ICP/MS, Particle Size Analysis, UV/VIS, and UV/VIS/NIR. This equipment is manufactured by companies like Agilent, Hewlett Packard, Waters, Hitachi, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Beckman, and more. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE COMPANIES IN ANY WAY!

7. BUILD LABS- We well discounted made in USA Lab Casework, Fume hoods, Blowers, Safety Cabinets, and Clean Benches.

8. CASH PAID-Top dollar paid, and you can sell your excess, obsolete, surplus equipment with us. We can buy it or sell on consignment.

9. DIVERSIFIED-We sell a very broad line of new and used Lab Equipment. See our detailed listing above.




Thursday, Mar 27, 2025



Thursday, Mar 27, 2025



Thursday, Mar 27, 2025



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Thursday, Mar 27, 2025