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Pharmacia Hoefer Automated Gel Stainer excellent

Miscellaneous lab equipment >> Pharmacia Hoefer Automated Gel Stainer excellent

Pharmacia Hoefer Automated Gel Stainer excellent condition, works and warranted,

Camera Tripod Konica Tripod Minolta Tripod Canon Tripod Nikon tripod lot of 4 used nice

Sartorius Stedim 5447307H1-S SARTOPORE 2 Sartorius 5447307H1-S excess stockroom stock

Thermo IEC FRENCH PRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific French Laboratory Press FA-078A French Laboratory Press Thermo IEC OMFA078A French Press Thermo French Press used

Waters 486 HPLC Detector Waters HPLC detector Waters 2487 newer version of Waters 486 HPLC older version

3M E16R07A60SP03A 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Product look like new excess stock

AdvantaPure A7100275-50 AdvantaPure Part # A7100275-50 APSH P POLY BRAIDED PLATINUM SILICONE TUBING Purity InFluid Flow Solutions

ADVANTAPURE PART A7100275-50 ADVANTAPURE PROD APSH-P-0375L APSH-P Poly braided platinum silicone tubing

ADVANTAPURE PART A7100275-50 PROD APSH-P-0375L APSH-P Poly braided platinum silicone tubing .375 x.625 x 50’ excess stock

Agilent G2960-20008 Agilent Technologies, Camera, 1280x1024 CMOS USB, Part number: G2960-20008​ Agilent G2960-20008

Buchi Syncore- 6 Position Vacuum Cover

Buchi Syncore- Platform Shaking Heating System Polyvap/Analyst/Reactor System

Buchi Syncore- Polyvap Rack 12 Position With Cooling Option

Buchi Syncore- R-24 Reflux Module 24 Position with R-24 Accessory Rack

Buchi Syncore- R-24 Reflux Module 24 Position with R-24 Accessory Rack, Buchi Syncore- R-24 Reflux Module 24 Position

Buchi Syncore- R-4 Rack with 4 Position Vacuum Cover

Buchi V-800 Buchi V800 Vacuum Controller

Buchi V-805 Buchi V805 Vacuum Controller

Buchi V-850 Buchi V850 Vacuum Controller

Buchi V-855 Buchi V855 Vacuum Controller

Camag Automatic TLC Sample 4 System Camag TLC Sample 4 CAMAG Automatic TLC sampler 4 CAMAG TLC scanner 3

Carver Press 1

Carver Press Auto Series Model 3888 1D10A00 Main

CBS Scientific Electrophoresis System 000328

CBS Scientific Model HTLE Hunter Thin Layer Pept, CBS Scientific Model HTLE Hunter Thin Layer Peptid

CBS Scientific Nucleic Acid Sequencer 000221

CE Instruments NA2100 Fisons NA2100 Fisons NA 2100 CE Instruments NA 2100 Protein Analyzer CE Instruments EA / NA 1110 FISONS EA/NA 1110 CE Instruments Protein Analyzer CE Instruments AS 800 Autosampler Complete system with software and installation avail

CE Instruments NA2100 Fisons NA2100 Fisons NA 2100 CE Instruments NA 2100 Protein Analyzer CE Instruments EA / NA 1110 FISONS EA/NA 1110 CE Instruments Protein Analyzer CE Instruments AS 800 Autosampler Complete system with software and installation avail

CEE 100CB Spin Coater Preowned

Cellpro CEPRATE SC Cellpro A1358 used nice CELLPRO SC CEPRATE

CEM MARS 5 Microwave Accelerated ReactionSystem used CEM Microwave MARS 5 Microwave used

CEM MARS 6 MICROWAVE DIGESTION System with (2) Vessel Sets, Like New Condition

CEM MARS Solvent Extraction Microwave CEM used CEM MARS Xtraction Microwave CEM Microwave used MARS 230/60 CEM MARS XTRACTION MODEL 907500 - with carousels, parts, manuals, very very nice used system

CEM MarsX Microwave System CEM MARS X used Microwave system

CEM MDS-2000 CEM Innovatoprs in Microwave Technology CEM Model 920165

CEM SMART Moisture Solids Analyzer with CEM Turbo Technology Moisture Analyzer, used, very nice

Chatillon Tension Compression Tester Chatillon LTCM-5

Christie LW401 - A 4,000 Lumen 3LCD WXGA Digital Projector CHRISTIE LW401 used with remote

Clinical Coagulation Analyzer Amelung KC4 Micro

COLE PARMER EW-95802-26 COLE PARMER 95802-26 Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing Masterflex Transfer Tubing excess stockroom stock

COLE PARMER EW-95802-26 COLE PARMER 95802-26 Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing excess stock

COLE PARMER EW-95802-26 COLE PARMER 95802-26 Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing excess stockroom stock available due to consolidation


Cryostat Tissue Tek III Tissue Tek III Cryostat used

CVGL71TP3 Millipore CVGL71TP3 Durapore® Cartridge Filter 10 in. 0.22 µm Code 7

Denley Labsystems Luminoskan Ascent Plate Reader

Densitometer Computing Dynatech

Desiccator Bel-Art Clear Plastic

Dickson Recorder Temperature with ProbeModel KTX

Dionex ASE-200 Automated Solvent Extraction

Dionex ED50 Dionex ED-50 system with Column Compartment and ANION Column

Dionex Ion Chromatograph System 000041

Dionex Model CES-1 Capilliary Electrophoresi, Dionex Model CES-1 Capilliary Electrophoresis Syst

Dolan-Jenner Industries Fiber-Lite A-200 High Intensity Illuminator Fiber-Lite A200 used


Dr Lange DRLANGE Nephla EU Meter like new

Dry Keeper Desiccator with Auto Desiccator Tall

EC Apparatus EC605 Power Supply 46739 000206

Eden Labs R134 Essential Oils Gas Extractor used like new

EKSIGENT TECHNOLOGIES EKSIGENT nanoLC-2D Proteomics System EKSIGENT nanoLC ULTRA 2D EKSIGENT 845 Autosampler EKSIGENT nanoLC-ULTRA 2DPlus EKSIGENT EKS-PS-250 Power Supply used looks great

Electrophoresis Power Supplies 000730

Electrophoresis Power Supplies RS-PS-75 Electrophoresis Gel Power Supply NEW TWO YEAR WARRANTY

EMD CAT NO CVGL75S01 MILLIPORE CVGL75S01 EMD MILLIPORE Durapore® Cartridge Filter 5 in. 0.22 µm Code 7 excess stock

EMD Millipore CVGL71TP3 Millipore Durapore® Cartridge Filter 10 in. 0.22 µm Code 7 EMD CVGL71TP3 Preowned

EMD Millipore CVGL71TP3 NEEDED RIGHT AWAY- We want to buy EMD Millipore CVGL71TP3 FOR SALE EMD Millipore CVGL71TP3

EMD MILLIPORE KTGRA02FF3 EMD MILLIPORE optical XL 2 Capsule Media Aervent 0.2um

EMD Millipore KTGRA02FF3 Opticap XL 2 capsule Media: Aervent 0.2 um Cat. No. KTGRA02FF3

EMD Millipore MC0HC10FS1 Millipore Millistak+® HC Pod Depth Filter, C0HC media series, 1.1 m2 surface area from stockroom

EMD Millipore MIX0500LSPB04 Mobius® MIX500 single-use mixing assembly Millipore EMD excess stock

EMD Millipore MPGL06GH2 Millipak 60 Gamma Gold Capsule from stockroom

EMD Millipore Opticap XL 2 capsule Media: Aervent 0.2 um Millipore KTGRA02FF3 Millipore cat. No. KTGRA02FF3

EMD Millipore P2B050C25 Pellicon 2 Max Cassette excess stock

EMD Millipore PELLICON 3 1.14 m Cassette Millipore P3C010C10 Ultracel 10 kD look like new

Enercon Auto Jr Induction Sealer Enercon Induction Sealer Enercon Model LM395 Induction Sealer used looks nice

EPE Technologies UPS System EPS 2000 Model

Ephortec 3000 Volt Power Supply 000218

Eppendorf BIOTROIK Ecosyn D 200 System

Eppendorf Mastercycler PCR

ERWEKA AR-402 ERWEKA AR402 All-Purpose Equipment

ESA Coulechem II Elctrochemical Detector 000736

ESD Lab Chair Adjustable Stool

ESD Lab Chair Stool Casters

ETS Systems Controlled Environment Chamber Glove Box ETS Model 518 ETS 518 Glove Box Benchtop Humid

Film Processor Kodak 270RA

Film Processor Konica SRX 201

Fisher L R Ultrasonic Cleaner large size Sonicator

Fisher Model 95 Fisher Sub-Sieve Sizer for ASTM B 330 and ISO 10070

FLOW CONTROL SL9000 Series FLOW TECHNOLOGY SL9000 Flow Computers used-

Forma 6097 Forma Scientific Forma-Quick Dry Glassware Dryer Model # 6097

Forma Scientfic 1025 Anaerobic Chamber Glove Box

FTIR Spectra Passes Test FT-IR Spectra

Fume Hood with Base Cabinets 4 foot and top NEW Fume Hoods with New Fume Hood Base cabinets NEW 4 foot Base Cabinet Photo Immediate shipment as of today 7-10-2013

Fume Hood with Base Cabinets 4 foot and top NEW Fume Hoods with New Fume Hood Safety Base cabinets NEW

Gas Regulator Messer 250B MG Industries Series 250B Regulator gas Regulator used nice

Gibco BRL Horizon 20-25 Electrophoresis 000214

Gilson 111B UV HPLC DETECTOR Gilson Digital Readout 111B HPLC Detector UV Detector used

Glycosystems Analyzer

GMP Genesis Machine Products Tablet Press

Graseby Specac Press Carver Lab Press, Graseby Specac Press Carver Lab Press

Gretag Macbeth Spectralight JR. Light Box used very nice

Gretag MACBETH The Judge II Light Testing Box

Haake Buchler Melting Point Apparatus HaakeBuchler Melting Piont Apparatus Digital used

Hach 2100AN IS Turbidimeter Hach Turbidimeter Preowned very nice

Hach Model 2100AN Turbidimeter 000514, Hach Model 2100AN Turbidimeter 000514

Hach Model 2100AN Turbidimeter 000515

Hach Ratio XR Turbidimeter

Hamilton MicroLab 500 Hamilton 500A System Hamilton Syringe Pump Microlab Hamilton Microlab 503A Series Diluter Microlab 500A Diluter Hamilton 35896 Drive Unit Hamilton 35894 Controller used nice

Hamilton Microlab 500 Series Hamilton ML501A Single Syringe used Hamilton ML-501A -a simple dispenser where the volume filled into the syringe is the volume dispensed. Easy Method setup and modification - method is retained as long as there is power to

Harvard Double Channel Stimulator 00505111

Harvard Homeothermic Blanket Control Unit

Harvard Rodent Ventilation Model 683 Digital

Harvard Rodent Ventilation Model 683 Digital

Heat block VWR ONE Block Digital 000547

Heat block VWR ONE Block Digital 000548

Heat block VWR Six Block Digital 000544

Heidolph Collegiate Laborota 4000 Rotary Evaporator

Heidolph Collegiate Rotary Evaporator with Heidolph WB eco bath Heidolph Rotary Evaporator

Heidolph Laborota 4000 Rotary Evaporator efficient

Heidolph Laborota 4001 Rotary Evaporator efficient

Heidolph Pump Drive 5201 PD 5201

Heidolph Rotavac SEN50 Heidolph Totavac SENSO

Heidolph Synthesis 1

Hewlett Packard 3DCE Hewlett Packard G1600AX Hewlett Packard 3D CE used nice

Hewlett Packard Agilent 1050 UV HPLC Detector


HighRes Biosolutions MicroBlast Labware Cleaner:Deionizing Air, Knife Plate Cleaner

Hitachi F-1050 Hitachi F1050 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

Hitachi HPLC System Computerized

Hitachi L-8800 Amino Acid Analyzer Hitachi L8800 professionally deinstalled and under service watch until such time used

Hitachi M8000 Mass Spectrometer Hitachi Mass Spectrometer used Hitachi M-8000 Mass Spectrometer is a 3-dimensional quadrupole mass spectrometer The special features of the M-8000 are high sensitivity of mass spectrum and MS/MS measurement capability., Hitachi M8000 Mass Spectrometer used Hitachi M-8000 Mass Spectrometer is a 3-dimensional quadrupole mass spectrometer

Hoeffer GD2000 Vacuum Gel Dryer Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB Slab Gel Dryer Hoeffer Slab Gel Dryer used like new looks like never used actually

Hoeffer Scientific drygel jr SE540 000282

Hoeffer Scientiofic PS500 Power Supply 000326

Hotpack Recorder Temperature Humidity Two Pen

HPLC ABI Kratos 783 HPLC Detector

HPLC Agilent 1100 with SL Mass Spectrometer Mint

HPLC Perseptive Biosystems

HPLC Spectra Physics

HPLC Waters Fluorescence System Mint 000926, HPLC Waters Fluorescence System Mint 000926

Instruments for Research and Industry Glow Box 5012-18

Intermec Technologies Model 4400 Intermec 4400 Barcoding System

Isco Electrophoresis Power Supply 000219

Jasco Model CD-1595 Circular Dichroism Chiral Detector

Judge II Color Evaluation System X-Rite Judge II XRITE Judge II Light Box NEW

Justrite 12755 Non Metallic 5 Gallon Safety Can

Kayeness 7053IV Plastic Tester

Kimble® 24027-30 KIMAX® 125mL

Kipp and Zonen Flatbed Recorder

Knauer Refractive Index Detector

Knauer UV HPLC Detector Knauer 2600 HPLC Detector Knauer Buchi HPLC Detector used nice

Knauer Variable Wavelength Detector

Konica SRX201 X Ray Xray Processor

KSV Sigma 700 Force Tensiometer used Sigma Force Tensiometer used

Lab Chair similar to STEELCASE LAB CHAIR BLUE Steel Foot-ring Steel Support with Casters used nice

Lab Chair similar to STEELCASE LAB CHAIR BLUE Steel Foot-ring Steel Support with Casters used nice

Lab Chair STEELCASE LAB CHAIR BLUE Steel Foot-ring Steel Support with Casters used nice

Lab Chair STEELCASE LAB CHAIR BLUE used Mobile nice

Labconco 79100000 RapidVap N2 Evaporation System Labconco Rapidvap 79100000 N2 System - Processes up to 8-450ML samples, as shown in photo, used

Labconco Centrivap Concentrator Labconco 7810000

LabIntelligence HPGE 1000 LabIntelligence HPGETM 1000 System used looks great

Laboratory Furnace 1093 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C601

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C122012/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C1228/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C1232HP/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C1240/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C1250/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C162010/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C162012/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C163210/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557 2400 Fahrenheit Furnace option

Laboratory Furnace 1232 Celsius Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C163212/PM3E NEW FACTORY FRESH FACTORY WARRANTED order DIRECT from Triad 732-779-5557 2400 Fahrenheit Furnace option

Laboratory Furnace 1232C Cress lab Furnace CRESS FURNACE NEW compare to Themolyne Furnace Thermo Furnace Fisher Furnace Cress C401

Lachat Instruments Model 2300 Quickchem AE with, Lachat Instruments Model 2300 Quickchem AE with Pu

Lauda Process Viscosity System Lauda Viscosity System Lauda PVS Lauda PVS-1 Lauda D20KP Lauda s-5 Lauda VPM2 Lauda Viscosity system used nice

Lawler Microprocessor Controlled Tumbler System

LC/MS API 150MCA with Shimadzu HPLC System 000468

Leica Model 820 Histocut Rotary Microtome 00049, Leica Model 820 Histocut Rotary Microtome 000496

Leica Model CM 1800 Cryostat, 000567

Leica Rotary Microtomes model 2125 000571

Leica Rotary Microtomes Model 2135 000572

Leitz 1512 Rotary Microtomes 000574

LKB Bromma Uvicord SII Model 2238 000226

Macbeth Color-Eye 7000 Lamp Spectrophotometer CE-7000 lamp MACBETH CE7000 Lamp

Macbeth Overhead Luminaires X-Rite Overhead Luminaires XRITE Overhead Luminaires NEW

Made in England Press Heavy Duty Carver

MAHR DIGIMAR CX2 TYPE CX NR 5320104 Digimar CX2 350/14" used very nice system

Malvern Zetasizer 3000HSA Particle Analyzer with Malvern MPT1 Titrator

Mastercyler 384 PCR

MBRAUN UNILAB 1200/ 760 MBRAUN Glove Box with Chiller M BRAUN UNILAB 1200/ 760 Glove Box

MCSL40S01 Millidisk® Cartridge sterile, filtration area 2000 cm2, hydrophilic

MCSL40S01 Millipore MCSL40S01 Millidisk® Cartridge 40-stack 5.0 µm Hydrophilic overstock from stockroom

MDS SCIEX API 2000 LC/MS/MS Applied Biosystems API 2000 APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS SCIEX API2000 barely used like new

Medical Systems Corp PLI-188 NIKON PLI-188 Medical Systems PLI-188 used

Meissner TMO.2-1F6RS ultradyne 0.2um, 10", 226, Fin, Silicone & SS Ring excess stock available from a stockroom

Mel Temp II Laboratory Devices Melting Point Mel-Temp II Melting Point Apparatus

Metrohm Ion Chromatograph System includes Metrohm 752 Pump Metrohm 709 IC Pump Metrohm 732 IC Detector Metrohm 733 IC Separations Module Metrohm 762 IC Interface like new appears barely if ever used

Mettler Toledo STAR Thermal Analysis System Install Instructions

MGC DIAGNOSTICS Ultima CPXTM Metabolic Stress Testing System used like new

MGC DIAGNOSTICS Ultima Series™ Cardiorespiratory Diagnostic Systems used like new

Micotome Plus Cryostat used Cryostat Microtome PLUS Refurbished when shipped

Microm Model 505E Cryostat, 000568

Microm Rotary Microtome 000569

MICROMASS Waters Quatro Micro API Mass Spectrometer

Microscope Eyepieces Zeiss West Germany # 7

Miele G7731 Disinfector Sterilizer Cleaner

Milestone Labs Microbasic Lavis 1000, SN 99120133, Made in Italy, 220 VOLT

Millipore High Voltage Box 000222

Millipore Milliblot Electroblotter II 000224

Millipore P2B050A25 Millipore Pellicon® 2 Maxi Cassette with Biomax® 50 kDa Membrane, A screen, 2.5 m² Preowned boxes appear never used

Mini densitometer using the latest technology

Mitutoyo 156-101 Stand Mitutoyo 395-741-10 Micrometer used nice

MJ Research PPI 200 Programmable Power Inverter, MJ Research PPI 200 Programmable Power Inverter 00

Molecular Devices Threshold w/ Threshold Auxiliary Manifold

Monkey Lattice Bars, Aluminum


MUNTERS HC-150 Munters Dehumidifier Munters HC-150-I used beautiful system

Munters HC-300 Dehumidifier used Munters HC300 Dehumiditier used

Munters HC-300 Dehumidifier used Munters HC300 Dehumiditier used

Nabertherm Air Circulation Bogie Hearth Furnaces, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired NEW

Nabertherm Annealing and Hardening Furnaces with Wire Heating, Preheating Furnaces for Molds NEW

Nabertherm Annealing, Hardening and Brazing Furnaces & Accessories for Hardening and Brazing NEW

Nabertherm Annealing, Hardening and Brazing Furnaces & Accessories for Hardening and Brazing NEW

Nabertherm Ashing Furnaces with Flap Door or Lift Door NEW

Nabertherm Assay Furnaces NEW

Nabertherm Bogie Hearth Furnaces with Wire Heating up to 1400 °C NEW

Nabertherm Chamber Dryers, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired Ovens for Laminated Safety Glass (LSG) NEW

Nabertherm Chamber Furnaces with Air Circulation, Electrically Heated NEWNABERTHERM N 15/65HA NABERTHERM N 30/45HA NABERTHERM N 500/85HA

Nabertherm Chamber Furnaces with Brick Insulation or Fiber Insulation NEW Nabertherm LH 15/12 - Nabertherm LF 120/14

Nabertherm Chamber Furnaces with Molybdenum Disilicide Heating Elements with Refractory Insulation up to 1700 °C NEW

Nabertherm Chamber Furnaces with Wire Heating up to 1400 °C NEW

Nabertherm Chamber Furnaces with Wire Heating with Brick Insulation or Fiber Insulation NEW

Nabertherm Chamber Ovens and Dryers, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired Heat Soak Test Ovens for Toughened Safety Glass (TSG) NEW

Nabertherm Cold-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 2400 °C NEW

Nabertherm Cold-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 2400 °C Standard Equipment for all Models NEW

Nabertherm Continuous Furnaces, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired NEW

NABERTHERM Fast-Firing Decoring Furnaces with Infrared Heating Nabertherm IR 500/90 - Nabertherm IR 1000/90

Nabertherm Float-Glass Test Kiln with Wire Heating NEW

Nabertherm Fusing Furnaces with Wire Heating with Fixed Table NEW

Nabertherm Fusing Furnaces with Wire Heating with Movable Table NEW

Nabertherm Gas-Fired Chamber Furnaces up to 1600 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Bogie Hearth Furnaces with SiC Rod Heating up to 1550 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Chamber Furnaces with Molybdenum Disilicide Heating Elements with Fiber Insulation up to 1800 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Chamber Furnaces with SiC Rod Heating up to 1550 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces Lift-Bottom up to 1700 °C NEW Nabertherm LHT/LB

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with Fiber Insulation up to 1800 °C NEWNabertherm HT 04/16 - Nabertherm HT 450/18

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with MoSi[sub]2 [/sub]Heating Elements up to 1800 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with Refractory Brick Insulation up to 1700 °C NEW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with Scale for Determination of Combustion Loss and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) NEW Nabertherm LHT 04/16 SW Nabertherm LHT 04/17 SW

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with SiC Rod

Nabertherm High-Temperature Furnaces with SiC Rod Heating up to 1600 °C NEW Nabertherm HTCT 03/14 - Nabertherm HTCT 08/16

Nabertherm Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 1100 °C

Nabertherm Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 1100 °C Basic version NEW

Nabertherm Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 1100 °C H2 Version for Operation under Hydrogen NEW

Nabertherm Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 1100 °C IDB Version NEW

Nabertherm Hot-Wall Retort Furnaces up to 1100 °C SR and SRA (with gas circulation) NEW

Nabertherm Laboratory Melting Furnace SC 8 with SiC Rod Heating NEW

Nabertherm Lift-Bottom-Retort Furnace up to 2400 °C for Production NEW

Nabertherm Lift-Top and Lift-Bottom Furnaces with Molybdenum Disilicide Heating Elements up to 1800 °C NEW

Nabertherm Lift-Top or Lift-Bottom Furnaces with Wire Heating up to 1400 °C NEW

Nabertherm Muffle Furnaces Basic Models NEW

Nabertherm Muffle Furnaces with Brick Insulation and Flap Door or Lift Door NEW

Nabertherm Muffle Furnaces with Embedded Heating Elements in the Ceramic Muffle NEW

Nabertherm Muffle Furnaces with Flap Door or Lift Door NEW Nabertherm L 1/12 - Nabertherm LT 40/12

Nabertherm Ovens with Safety Technology According to EN 1539 NEW Nabertherm TR 60 Nabertherm TR 1050

Nabertherm Ovens, Electrically Heated also with Safety Technology According to EN 1539 NEW

Nabertherm Pit-Type and Top-Loading Furnaces, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired with or without Air Circulation NEW

Nabertherm Pit-Type Cold-Wall Retort Furnaces up t

Nabertherm Process Box for Debinding in Inert Gas NEW

Nabertherm Salt Bath Furnaces for Chemical Hardening of Glass, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired NEW

Nabertherm Standard Equipment for H2 Version VHT…/MO-H2 or VHT…/GR-H2 for Operation with Hydrogen or other Reaction Gases

Nabertherm Top-Hat Furnaces with SiC Rod Heating NEW

Nabertherm Top-Hat Furnaces with Wire Heating with Table NEW

Nabertherm Tub Furnaces with Wire Heating NEW

Nabertherm Weighing Furnace incl. Scale and Software for Determination of Combustion Loss NEW

New Brunswick TC-7 Cell Culture Roller Drums than Eppendorf Cell Culture Roller Drums

Nicolet Sigma 60 200MS/s Digital Oscilloscope Nicolet Oscilloscope Nicolet 60 200MS/s Nicolet 200MS/s Digital Oscilloscope used

NIKON Power Supply used


Oriel Instruments 1000 Watt Solar Simulator Oriel 91193 Oriel Solar Simulator Oriel 1000 Watt Solar Simulator used system looks very nice System consists of these part numbers- Timer Control ORIEL # 84350 Light Intensity Controller ORIEL # 68850 Solar Sim

Oxford Biosystems Analyzer


PALL CORPORATION AB1HTPFR7PVH4 EMFLON FILTER 0.2 um excess stock from stockroom consolidation never used

PALL CORPORATION AB1HTPFR7PVH4 EMLON FILTER 0.2 um excess stock from stockroom consolidation never used

Pall Emflon PFR Filter Cartridge AB1PFR7PVH4 PALL AB1PFR7PVH4 Preowned

Palomar EsteLux IPL System used looks nice

Parr 3911EGX Hydrogenation Apparatus used Parr 3911EGX Parr Hydrogenation Apparatus used

Parr 4843 Controller with Parr 4913 Pressure Vessel AUTOCLAVE Parr Pressure Vessel Parr Autoclave Parr Controller

Parr 4843 Temperature Controller with Parr Pressure Reactor Vessel

PDR Chiral ALP-2000 PDR CHIRAL PDR2000 Advanced Laser Polarimeter (ALP) ALP-2000 used nice


Pellicon P2B050A25 Millipore P2B050A25 Millipore Pellicon® 2 Maxi Cassette with Biomax® 50 kDa Membrane, A screen, 2.5 m² Preowned boxes appear never used

PERIMED SWEDEN PERIFLUX Laser Doppler Flowmeter PF2 Periflux PF2 PERIMED PF2 used excellent condition

Perkin Elmer API 150EX PE HPLC Agilent Rack, Perkin Elmer API 150EX PE HPLC Agilent Rack

Perkin Elmer API 150EX Mass Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer API Sciex API 150EX with PE HPLC System

Perkin Elmer GPC Gel Permeation Chromatography System with software

Perkin Elmer Series 200 GPC System Gel Permeation Chromatography System Perkin Elmer Series 200 HPLC System Perkin Elmer HPLC System used refurbished when shipped

Perkin Elmer Series 200 HPLC Diode Array System with Software

Perseptive Biosystems Biocad BIOCAD Perfusion 700E Perfusion Prep HPLC Systems Biocad 700E Biocad Perfusion System used nice no charge software available with system also includes- Advantec SF-2120 Super Fraction Collector Software Perseptive Biosystems

Pharamcia LKB Electrophoresis Power Supply 000187

Pharma Tech High Speed PTC Countercurrent Chromatograph CCC-1000

PHARMA VISION SYSTEMS AB Model SDP now Malvern SN 1310 Pharma Vision SDP used looks nice

Pharmacia Biopilot with UV Monitor 000261

Pharmacia Hoefer Automated Gel Stainer excellent

Pharmacia LKB 2197 Power Supply 000323

Pharmacia LKB Multidrive XL Pharmacia Multidrive XL

Pharmacia LKB Multiphor II Novablot 000215

Pickering PCX5100 Post Column Reaction Module Pickering Laboratories PCX5100 Pickering Laboratories PCX-5100 Post Column Reaction Module used very nice condition

Pierce Reacti Therm Heating Module 18800

Pierce Reacti-Thermo Heating Module M-18800

PLASLABS MC21S Glove Box used very nice

Polymer Laboratories PL-ELS 2100 Plymer Labs ELSD Polymer Laboratories ELS 2100 used nice -surpasses other ELSDs for low temperature HPLC applications with volatile compounds - next generation of ELSD technology - innovative design provides optimum perfo

Polytron PT1000 homogenizer with Mixing Head and Stand Homogenizer

Porton Instruments Porton Sequencer SN064


Preowned LIKE NEW FACTORY REFURBISHED Brewer Science CEE 100CB Spin Coater

Probot LC Packings Microfraction Collector 000597 Dionex








Quantrol by Dillon Advanced Force Gauge AFG 500N

Radiometer Analytical ION 450 METERLAB ION450 MeterLab ION450 Ba pH/EC/ISE Benchtop Meter used like new condition

Radiometer Analytical SAM7 Sample Stand

Radionics Radio Frequency Lesion Generator 000325

Rainin Dynamax HPLC UV VIS Detector Varian Dynamax

Rainin UV-1 Dynamax UV-1 HPLC Absorbance Detector

Reichert 2030 Rotary Microtomes 000567

Reichert 820-2 Rotary Microtomes 000573

Reichert Model 1800 Cryostat, 000566

Retsch DG 100 Vibratory Feeder

Retsch DR 100 Vibratory Feeder Retsch DR100 Retsch DR-100 Feeder

Retsch Feeder DR100 Vibratory Feeder

Retsch Rapid Dryer TG 100

Retsch TG 100 Retsch TG100 Rapid Dryer Retsch TG 200 Retsch TG200

RETSCH Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200

Retsch Vibratory Feeder Resch DR 100 Retrsch DR100 NEW

Rhine Air Model 13-6 Oiless Airflow System 00024, Rhine Air Model 13-6 Oiless Airflow System 000246A

Rhine Air Model 13-6 Oiless Airflow System 000246, Rhine Air Model 13-6 Oiless Airflow System 000246B

Sargent Welch Infrared Spectrophotometer Sargent Welch 3-200 Infrared Spectrophotometer Sargent Welch Ratio Recording Infrared Spectrophotometer used minimally used

Sartorius 5182507T2GA Sartorius SARTOFLUOR GA CARTRIDGE Sartorius 5182507T2----GA Preowned

Sartorius 5447307H1SS Sartorius 5447307H1--SS Sartorius Sartopore 2 MaxiCaps,0,2µm,10'' Bestell-Nr.: 5447307H1SS Preowned

Sartorius 5447307H1-SS Sartorius SARTOPORE 2 Maxicaps

Sartorius FXB111569 Sartorius STEDIM FXB111569 STD Flexel Cubical Levmix 1000L TPE

Sartorius FXB111569 Sartorius STEDIM FXB111569 STD Flexel Cubical Levmix 1000L TPE

Sartorius LEVMIX 1000L Sartorius FXB111569 Sartorius STEDIM FXB111569 STD Flexel Cubical Levmix 1000L TPE

Sartorius SARTOFLUOR GA 5182507T2 GA

Sartorius SARTOFLUOR GA 5182507T2 GA

SATO BAR CODE READER SATO M-8400 Bar Code Reader INTERMEC 8635 turbo Intermac Bar Code Reader

Savant AS1000 All in One Refrigerated Evaporator

Savant SC210A with RVT4104 Vapor Trap 000800

Savant SC210A with Savant RVT4104 Trap 000801

Schleicher & Schuell MINIFOLD II Slot-Blotter Schleicher & Schuell SRC0720 with clamp box used as is

Schleicher & Schuell MINIFOLD II Slot-Blotter Schleicher & Schuell SRC0720 with clamp box used as is 3 boxes total

SCS G3P-8 Spincoat Specailty Coating Systems by Cookson Electronics Company

Secator Desiccator Bel-Art Desiccator used nice

SEDERE 75 Sedex 75 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD) S.E.D.E.R.E. 75 Light Scattering Detector

Septech Chromatography Column Annular Expansion

SEWARD STOMACHER 3500 SEWARD 3500 used beautiful

Seward Stomacher 400 Circulator in excellent condition

Shandon Finesse Rotary Microtomes 000575, Shandon Finesse Rotary Microtomes 000575

Shandon Vokam Power Supply 000322

Shimadzu HPLC System Shimadzu Class VP HPLC Diode Array System Shimadzu Diode Array HPLC Shimadzu Class VP HPLC Diode Array systems used refurbished when shipped

Sievers Pharmaceutical TOC On line Sievers 400DI

SILHOUET-TONE Dermatological Unit: Silhouet-TONE Quintet Combo and Silhouet-TONE Vapo Q System Vaporizer


Sonicator Heat Systems-Ultrasonics Inc. W-375 with Probe

Sotax Dissolution Equipment used Sotax CY7-50 Sotax MS70S Sotax C615

SpectraLight III Color Evaluation System X-Rite Spectralight III XRITE SpectraLight III Light Booth NEW Light Booth and Luminaries NEW

SSI LP-21 Pulse Dampner Scientific Systems LP-21 Pulse Dampner

Stainless Steel Column 44 Inch long

Stainless Steel Column MODCOL

Stainless Steel Column MODCOL FMB4100

Stainless Steel Column on Casters

Stainless Steel Column Septech Annular Expansion

Stoelting 51350 McIlwain Tissue Chopper used appears never used

Stratagene Horizontal Electrophoresis 000225

Stratagene UV 2400 Stratalinker System

Stratagene UV data Linker

Stratagene UV Stratalinker 1800 System

Strategene Electrophoresis Tank 000229

Strategene Horizontal Electrophoresis 000225

Stuart Automatic Melting Point, Stuart SMP40, Stuart GLP Melting Point Apparatus, Stuart SMP-40 Melting Point Apparatus compare to Buchi

Stuart Cold Finger Rotary Evaporator Stuart RE302 Cold Finger Rotary Evaporator Stuart RE302P Rotary Evaporator Cold Finger compare to Buchi

Stuart Diagonal Rotary Evaporator Stuart RE300 Diagonal Rotary Evaporator Stuart RE300P Rotary Evaporator Diagonal compare to Buchi

Stuart Melting Point Apparatus Analog SMP11 Stuart SMP11 compare to Hoover Melting Point

Stuart Melting point apparatus Stuart SMP20 STUART SMP20 Bibby SCIENTIFIC SMP20 BIBBY SCIENTIFIC SMP 10, Digital, SMP10 and SMP20 new with THREE YEAR WARRANTY

Stuart Melting point apparatus, Digital, Stuart SMP10 and Stuart SMP20 compare to Buchi melting Point

Stuart Rotary Evaporator Vacuum Pump RE3022C Stuart RE3022C PTFE Vacuum Pump Stuart Vacuum Pump

Stuart Rotary Evaporator Vertical Stuart RE301 Vertical Rotary Evaporator Stuart Vertical RE301P Rotary Evaporator compare to Buchi

STUART Tube Rotators Fixed Speed Stuart SB2 Tube Rotator and Variable Speed with Timer Stuart SB3

Supercritical Fluid Technologies SFT110 used SFT110 Supercritical Fluid Extractor (SFE) used Supercritical Fluid Technologies SFT-110 system looks great

Suprex Prepmaster Prepmaster Suprex Super Critical System used Supercritical System

Sutter Instrument Model P-87 Micropipette Puller, Sutter Instrument Model P-87 Micropipette Puller 0

Sutter Instrument Model P-97 Micropipette Puller Sutter P97 Sutter P-97 this system is a Fleming/Brown Micropipette Puller used quite nice

Sutter P2000 Sutter Instrument P-2000 Sutter P-2000 Micropipette Puller

Sympatech RODOS/M RODOSM Sympa-TEC Particle Size Analyzer with Vibrafeed and Oasisi Controller and, Sympatec RODOS/M RODOSM Sympa-TEC Particle Size Analyzer with Vibrafeed and Oasisi Controller and H

Tantec ST-PLUS Surface Tensiometer Tantec Surface Tensiometer used nice

Tecan DriBlock DB 1

Tecan GenMate Robotic System

Tecan Megaflex Plate Robot System

Tecan Spectraflour with robot

Techne Calibration User Probe Interface NEW THREE YEAR WARRANTY

Techne Sample Concentrators Techne FSC400D Sample Concentrator Techne FSC496D Sample Concentrator NEW 3 YEAR WARRANTY!

Tekmar 7000 Headspace Autosampler

Teledyne ISCO D-series 260D Teledyne ISCO 260D Syringe Pump used

Teledyne ISCO D-series Teledyne ISCO 1000D Syringe Pump used


TEQCOM 24 VDC HP Valve TEQCOM M642C2DTS--HT Teqcom 3/8" Tube 40 PSI

Teqcom M442C2DTS HT Minature Solenoid Valve

Teqcom M642C2DTS HT Minature Solenoid Valve

Teqcom M663W2DTS HT Minature Solenoid Valve

The Back Light By Hall Productions 24 x 18 Inches Illumination

Thermo ALPS 50V Variable Temperature Sealer Thermo Scientific ALPS 50V semi-automatic heat sealer Thermo Model S120499-1-A006 Thermo ALPS-50V used nice

Thermo Flash EA1112 Thermo Finnigan Flash EA1112 Carbon/Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Sulfur Analyzer operates according to the Dynamic Flash Combustion technique used complete with computer used very nice installation available and training available

Thermo MS MS LCQ Surveyor Standard Classic Electro Spray

Thermo Nicolet Antaris FT-NIR analyzer Thermo Nicolet Antaris Near-NIR Antaris FT-IR NEAR IR analyzer WITH SabIR PROBE Analyzer , used, with software with computer with computer, software, new LCD monitor, six month depot warranty- ships ready to go

Thermo Scientific™ 3423-42 Nalgene 3423-42 Nalgene™ Polycarbonate Biotainer™ Bottles and Carboys Catalog number: 3423-42

Thermo Shandon Finesse ME Microtome Thjermo Microtome Shandon Microtome used nice This Finesse Microtome has a motorized cutting with manual override (Finesse ME). -features electronic specimen advance. -Finesse Microtomes can cut either paraffin- or re

ThermoEC EC2060 Power Supply Electrophoresis

Thermolyne Type F48025 Furnace Thermolyne Furnace

Thomas Hoover Unimelt II Automatic Melting Point System

Titertek MAP System w Racks 000635

Titertek Plus Stacker Type 832 S20 000228

Tomtec Cell Harvester MACH II

Tomtec Harvester Mach III M new in box

Tomtec Quadra 3 4145 Model

Tomtec Quadra 384 Model 320 000639,

Tomtec Quadra 96 Model 320 000638

Tomtec Quadra 96SV Model 345 000637

Treadmill TMX 428

Triangle Biomedical Scientific Slide Dryer TBS SD-11-120 Slide Dryer TBS Slide Dryer used nice

Ultra-Lum UVA-10 Ultraviolet Light Box

Ultra-Lum UVC-20 Ultraviolet Light Box

Ultrasonic System FS140 Fisher

USA PLASTICS Vial Case Plastic USA Plastics 5 x 10 1.5 INCH 40 cm boxes used very nice we have 20 of these for $ 6- each for $120- for the lot

USA PLASTICS Vial Case Plastic USA Plastics 5 x 10 30 cm boxes used very nice we have 70 of these for $ 6- each for $420- for the lot

USED Rees Scientific PC Based Environmental Monitoring System

UV TRANSILLUMINATOR Ultra-LUM UVC-20 Light Chamber used nice

UVP Transilluminator Chromat0-VUE

UVP Ultraviolet Products Black Ray B100AP Model.

Vacuum Cleaner Clean Room Type

Van Kel Friabulator Double Drum US P Type, VanKel Friabulator Double Drum US P Type

Varian 330 Varian Prostar 330 Diode Array Detector for HPLC Varian Diode Array Detector Varian HPLC

Varian Dynamax Ram Packer 2

Varian Prostar Diode Array HPLC System

VERMONT GRANITE TABLES AND SLABS Vermont Granite Slab Tabletop Granite Slab Balance Granite Slab Granite Balance Table Slab NEW Marble Balance Table option

Vermont Marble Slab Tabletop Marble Slab Balance Marble Slab Marble Balance Table Slab

Vibrac torque tester model 1502 Vibrac 1502 Torque Tester

Vitek Systems Filler Sealer VF-1 BioMerieux

VWR Benchtop White Light Transilluminator

VWR FID-1000-L1466 FID Gas Station FID Gas Station VWR 26000-034 used

VWR Heat Block Model 13259 009

VWR Heat Block M 13259-005

Wade 5120 Grease Sludge Trap 000622

Waters 2685 HPLC System refurbished, Waters 2695 HPLC System refurbished

Waters 2695 HPLC with Waters 996 Diode Array

Waters 431 Conductivity Detector HPLC Conductivity Detector

Waters 432 Conductivity Detector

Waters Alliance 2695 w 2996 Diode Array HPLC

Waters AMICON Model 5111 Reactor Mixer Controller

Waters CapLC Capillary Liquid Chromatography System Micromass CapLC Micromass UK CapLC System used-- Consists of - -Waters capLC Pump Micromass UK CapLC Pump isocratic or gradient solvent deliver

Waters Differential Refractometer R401 Waters R401 Differential Refractometer R401 Millipore R401 used old for parts Millipore Differential Refractometer

Waters Flow Cell for HPLC Waters HPLC Flow Cell Waters Corporation Flow Cell

Waters HPLC Flow Cell used Waters Flow Cell Waters HPLC Flow Cell used

Waters HPLC System with Waters ZQ Mass Spectrometer used Waters Mass Spectrometer ZQ Series refurbished completer-

Watson Marlow Model 505WDI Weigh Dosing System w, Watson Marlow Model 505WDI Weigh Dosing System wit

Whatman Balston Generators FTIR and NITROGEN and Hydrogen Whatman Hydrogen generator Whatman Nitrogen generator

Wheaton Roller Bottle Apparatus Wheaton 348940 Wheaton Tissue Culture Roller Bottle Apparatus Base system with three optional shelves used very nice

Wheaton Roller Bottle Wheaton Benchtop Roller, Wheaton BX W348924-A with Wheaton W348930-CH used

Wyatt Technologies DYNAPRO TITAN with WYATT TECHNOLOGIES DYNAPRO Temperature Controller Microsampler with SOFTWARE used nice

Wyatt Viscostar-II Viscometer Wyatt Technologies Viscostar-II Wyatt Viscometer used nice

On-line differential viscometer for measurement of the intrinsic viscosity and Mark Houwink-Sakurada (MHS) parameters of polymers.

Yamato Muffle Furnaces FO series FO100CR/110CR, FO210CR, FO300CR/310CR, FO410CR

Yellow Springs Instruments 7100 MBS YSI 7100MBS, Yellow Springs Instruments 7100 MBS YSI 7100 MBS

YSI 7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System Yellow Springs Instruments 7100MBS YSI 7100 MBS YSI 710

YSI 7100 Multiparameter Bioanalytical System Yellow Springs Instruments 7100MBS YSI 7100 MBS YSI 7100MBS used System can measure multiple parameters simultaneously-used

Zebra 90xiII Barcode Printer 000616

Zeiss Model MC 100 Exposure Controller 000465

Zymark Turbovap Evaporator ZW640 1 000310

Zymark Twister


1. EXPERIENCED-We have been building labs, equipping labs, and supplying lab equipment parts and service for over 20 years. With over 100 years of combined lab equipment experience at our site and working with many experienced technicians, we try to offer the right equipment at the right price for you, our partner.

2. SAVE MONEY- We sell, lease, and rent - You save money, 5-70% off original retail, so you get great equipment at a great price.

3. WARRANTY -We offer a warranty on our refurbished equipment and new manufacturer warranty on new equipment.

4. SERVICE- We offer instrument service, refurbishment validations, and calibrations at great rates and skill levels.

5. INSTRUMENT PARTS- We sell new instrument parts and new equipment parts and hard to find used older parts

6. UNIQUE- We are an independent dealer and also sell used instruments, such as AA, FTIR, GC, GC/MS, HPLC, LC/MS, ICP, ICP/MS, Particle Size Analysis, UV/VIS, and UV/VIS/NIR. This equipment is manufactured by companies like Agilent, Hewlett Packard, Waters, Hitachi, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Beckman, and more. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE COMPANIES IN ANY WAY!

7. BUILD LABS- We well discounted made in USA Lab Casework, Fume hoods, Blowers, Safety Cabinets, and Clean Benches.

8. CASH PAID-Top dollar paid, and you can sell your excess, obsolete, surplus equipment with us. We can buy it or sell on consignment.

9. DIVERSIFIED-We sell a very broad line of new and used Lab Equipment. See our detailed listing above.




Saturday, Mar 29, 2025



Saturday, Mar 29, 2025



Sunday, Mar 30, 2025



Sunday, Mar 30, 2025



Saturday, Mar 29, 2025



Saturday, Mar 29, 2025



Sunday, Mar 30, 2025



Sunday, Mar 30, 2025