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Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Shimadzu UV3600 Spectrophotometer preowned Shimadzu UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer

UV-Vis -NIR Systems >> Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Shimadzu UV3600 Spectrophotometer preowned Shimadzu UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer

Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Shimadzu UV3600 Spectrophotometer preowned Shimadzu UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer 

some specifications gathered-

Shimadzu UV-3600 Spectrophotometer

High Sensitivity, High Resolution, Ultra-low Stray Light 

The UV-3600, a successor model to the UV-3150/3101, is designed for the measurement of liquid samples, while the SolidSpec-3700/3700DUV is mainly designed for the measurement of solid samples.


High Sensitivity - 3 Detector System

Equipped with 3 detectors: a PMT detector (photomultiplier tube) for the ultraviolet and visible regions, and InGaAs and PbS detectors for near infrared region. The InGaAs detector bridges the gap between the PMT - PbS switching wavelength where sensitivity is typically low to ensure high sensitivity over the entire measurement wavelength range. With <0.00003 Abs noise at 1500 nm, the world’s lowest noise level is achieved.

High Resolution - Wide Measurement Range & Ultra-low Stray Light 

With its high performance double monochromator, ultra-low stray light (0.00005% or less at 340 nm) is achieved at high resolution (highest resolution 0.1 nm). With a measurement wavelength range of 185 - 3300 nm, measurement is possible over a wide range including the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions. This allows spectroscopic analysis in a wide variety of fields.

Abundant Accessories for a Wide Variety of Applications 

The multipurpose large-sample compartment and integrating sphere attachment enable measurement of solid samples, and with the guaranteed precision of the ASR Series (Absolute Specular Reflectance) attachments, high accuracy absolute reflectance measurements are possible. Various cell holders like the constant-temperature cell holder and ultra-micro cell holder can also be mounted to enable a wide range of measurement possibilities.


file photo


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Agilent CARY 100 UV VIS Spectrophotometer


Agilent Cary 60 UV-VIS spectrophotometer used C Technologies, Inc.’s SoloVPE System is the world’s only Slope Spectrometer.

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BYK mac-i BYK 7030 BYK-MAC i BYK MAC i spectrophotometer used very nice

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Eppendorf Biophotometer with DPU-414 Printer, tested

Eppendorf Biophotometer with Printer and all cables mint

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Hitachi Gene Spec Spectrophotometer 000497

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Perkin Elmer 150MM Integrating Sphere used and Perkin Elmer Universal Reflectance Accessory used

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PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050 Perkin Elmer 1050 UV/Vis/NIR Perkin Elmer UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer

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Perkin Elmer Lambda 20 UV VIS Spectrophotometer

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Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 UV VIS Spectrophotometer

Perkin Elmer Lambda 3 Perkein Elmer Lambda 3B Perkin Elmer 3A Perkin Elmer Spectrophotometer used refurbished Perkin Elmer Spectrophotometer Lamps Perkin Elmer Spectrophotmter parts

Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV/VIS Perkin Elmer 35 Perkin Elmer UV-VIS Spectrophotometer with used PC used Perkin Elmer 35 Lambda 35

Perkin Elmer Lambda 40 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 40 Spectrophotometer

Perkin Elmer Lambda 850 UV VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER Perkin Elmer Lambda 850 used very nice

Perkin Elmer LAMBDA 850 UV VIS SPECTROPHOTOMTETER Perkin Elmer Lambda 850 used very nice

Perkin Elmer Lambda 850 UV-VIS Spectrophometer LAMBDA 850 Spectrophotometer used

Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 UV/VIS/NIR

PERKIN ELMER LAMBDA 950 UV/Vis/NIR system used system when ships calibrated and ready to use

Perkin Elmer Lambda Bio UV VIS Spectrophotometer

Perkin Elmer Lambda Computer ID 120261

Perkin Elmer Lambda Spectrophotometer 000645

Perkin Elmer UV/VIS/NIR Lambda 19 upgraded Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV VIS NIR Perkin Elmer options such as Integrating Sphere may be available, this system ships with software, computer, printer and ready to go- This double beam double monochrometer ratio recording UV Visible NEAR INFRARED Spectrophotometer, Total Useable Wavelength Range 185-3200nm, a real nice system that ships ready to go

Pharmacia Biotech GeneQuant RNA/DNA Calculator made for Pharmacia Biotech Spectrophotometer used nice

Pharmacia Biotech GeneQuant PRO RNA/DNA Calculator Spectrophotometer- when turned on passes calibration test to READY

Pharmacia Compact Spectrophtotometer

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SCINCO NEOSYS-2000 spectrophotometer

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Shimadzu UV-1601 Spectrophotomter Shimadzu UV-1601 UV-VIS spectrometer Shimadzu UV1601 Shimadzu UV-1601 used

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Shimadzu UV-1800 Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV1800 1nm bandpass used very nice

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Shimadzu UV-VIS 160 Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV160 Shimadzu UV-160 Spectrophotometer used nice,, Shimadzu UV-VIS 160 Spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV160 Shimadzu UV-160 Spectrophotometer used nice

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SHIMADZU VV260 UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer Model Shimadzu UV-260 Shimadzu UV260 used nice, SHIMADZU VV260 UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer Model Shimadzu UV-260 Shimadzu UV260

Sievers SUEZ M9 TOC with Sievers Autosampler Calibrated SUEZ M9

SPECTRONIC 20D Digital Spectrophotometer Spectronic 20D Colorimeter Spectronic Spectrophotometer used nice

Spectronic Genesys 2PC UV-VIS Spectrophometer Spectronic Instruments, Spectronic Genesys 2PC Spectrophometer Spectronic Instruments

Spectrophotometer UV VIS Shimadzu 1204

ULTRASONIC SCIENTIFIC High-Resolution Ultrasonic Spectrometer HR-US 102 ULTRASONIC SCIENTIFIC HR-US 102 ULTRASONIC SCIENTIFIC HRUS-102 used very nice system-

Unico 2100 compare to Shimadzu 1204 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Shimadzu 1204 used nice

Unico 2100 Spectrophotometer 325-1100nm Unico VIS Spectrophotometer Unico 5 nm bandpass Spectrophotometer , 4 position cell holder, RS-232 port, automatic wavelength change, ON SALE NOW - CALL in working and real nice condition does not include standards

UNICO 2100 Vis ONLY Spectrophotometers Unico Model 2100 Spectrophotometers new

used Minolta CM-3600d bench-top spectrophotometer used Minolta CM3600D used Monolta Spectrophotometer

Varian Cary 1 100 3 300 Peltier 1 x 1 Cell Holder

Varian CARY 300 BIO UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Varian CARY 300 BIO UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Varian CARY 3E UV-VIS Spectrophotometer OLD

Varian CARY 400 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Research bench VARIAN 400 BIO UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Varian CARY 50 Conc Agilent Varian CARY 50 CONC UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Varian Spectrophotometer

Varian CARY 50 SCAN Agilent Varian CARY 50 Scan UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Varian Spectrophotometer

Varian CARY 50 Tablet System

VARIAN CARY 50 wth SoloVPE VARIAN CARY 60 US-VIS Spectrophotometer with C Technologies SOLOVPE used nice

Varian Cary 500 UV-VIS NIR Spectrophotometer up to 3300 nm Varian 500 UV-VIS NIR up to 3300 nm Varian Cary 500 with Integrating Sphere used ships working and warranted If you want an instrument that will measure any sample then the Cary 500 is the best ch

Varian CARY ECLIPSE used Varian DIP PROBE ACCESSORY Varian 18 cell holder accessory thermostatted Varian ECLIPSE Micro Plate Reader accessory

Varian Cary PCB-150 Peltier Controlled Cryobath

Varian Cary Peltier Single Cell Holder for Cary 50

Varian Dip Probe Accessory for CARY 50 CARY 50 Dip Probe Accessory Varian Cary 50 31-1027 Dip Probe Coupler accessory for the Cary 50 is designed to direct light from the instrument sample beam into an optical fibre probe, and then to re-direct the retur

Varian Dip Probe Accessory for CARY 50 CARY 50 Dip Probe Accessory Varian Cary 50 31-1027 Dip Probe Coupler accessory for the Cary 50 is designed to direct light from the instrument sample beam into an optical fibre probe, and then to re-direct the retur

Varian Dip Probe Accessory for CARY 50 CARY 50 Dip Probe Accessory Varian Cary 50 31-1027 Dip Probe Coupler accessory for the Cary 50 is designed to direct light from the instrument sample beam into an optical fibre probe, and then to re-direct the return

Varian Labsphere DRA-CA-50 Sphere Accessory for Cary 400 Cary 500



1. EXPERIENCED-We have been building labs, equipping labs, and supplying lab equipment parts and service for over 20 years. With over 100 years of combined lab equipment experience at our site and working with many experienced technicians, we try to offer the right equipment at the right price for you, our partner.

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5. INSTRUMENT PARTS- We sell new instrument parts and new equipment parts and hard to find used older parts

6. UNIQUE- We are an independent dealer and also sell used instruments, such as AA, FTIR, GC, GC/MS, HPLC, LC/MS, ICP, ICP/MS, Particle Size Analysis, UV/VIS, and UV/VIS/NIR. This equipment is manufactured by companies like Agilent, Hewlett Packard, Waters, Hitachi, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Beckman, and more. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE COMPANIES IN ANY WAY!

7. BUILD LABS- We well discounted made in USA Lab Casework, Fume hoods, Blowers, Safety Cabinets, and Clean Benches.

8. CASH PAID-Top dollar paid, and you can sell your excess, obsolete, surplus equipment with us. We can buy it or sell on consignment.

9. DIVERSIFIED-We sell a very broad line of new and used Lab Equipment. See our detailed listing above.




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