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Lab Instrumentation
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Varian Bio-Dis III Vankel Biodis Varian Vankel Bio-Dis III Vankel Bio-Dis 25-2700 Model Varian Vankel VK750D varian 750D Bio-Dis Modified system USED SYSTEM
Agilent BIO-DIS III Extended Release Testing Station- automatic dissolution profiling of extended release dosage forms requiring USP Apparatus 3 and EP reciprocating cylinder specifications.
SYSTEM Capable of running unattended for periods of up to six days, the unit can store up to 15 programs and provide direct control over time points, agitation rate, sampling rate, movement between vessel rows, hold dip, and drain times.
AGILENT VARIAN VANKEL BIO-DIS transports the dosage form from one row of media to the next, allowing a simulated pH change.